Meal Prep, Meal Prep, Meal Prep

img_1490I’ve written previously about meal prepping, but as I read it I realized it was more on meal planning than actual meal prepping. When I say meal prepping, I am talking about the food that we are planning on consuming that day or the next. This is such an important aspect of our fitness journey that it cannot be overlooked. If you don’t prep your meals the night before, you are allowing yourself a chance to fail. I say this because it almost allows too much flexibility when we get hungry. If you go to work and didn’t prep a meal you are prone to go to the vending machine, or if your office has a snack bar, or you end up going to a fast food restaurant instead.

To prevent this, you need to prep what you plan to eat the night before. This gives you time to weigh out your food, a very important process, and get it in the containers that you will carry it around with you. I also suggest that you download an app to track your macros. I use the myplate app from Here is the link to see it Link to Website. While you are weighing out your food you can enter it into the app and eliminate the guess work associated with macros. This makes it easier to adjust and make sure you are setting yourself up for success the next day. There are a lot of different ways to go about meal prepping
and the internet is loaded with information on it.

Here is a great article on meal prepping and keeping a food journal. THE IMPORTANCE OF A MEAL PLAN AND KEEPING A FOOD JOURNAL

If you have any questions about meal prep or fitness in general, feel free to send me an email. Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and join our Facebook group (AdamDelgadoFitness) for even more fitness and nutrition info.

Author: adamdelgadofitness

I'm just a regular guy who likes to help people achieve their goals. I'm not a professional yet, but I have learned several things about life and fitness through trial and error. I am currently working on my NASM personal trainer certification with a specialization in nutrition. I'll also begin online coaching once I become certified. If you have fitness or nutrition questions don't hesitate to ask. If I don't have the answer I will find one for you.

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